What will happen next?
Our Contact Centre Team will make every effort to resolve your complaint at the first point of contact, however if your complaint requires technical assistance or is unable to be resolved at the first point of contact, we will assign your case to the appropriate business unit for further investigation.
For an update on your complaint, you can phone our Contact Centre on 13 13 65 (Mon to Fri, 09:00am to 4:30pm).
If you are not happy with the outcome or how we have handled your complaint, you can escalate the matter at any time in the following ways:
1. Internal review from our Customer Relations Team
If you are not satisfied with the outcome or how we have handled your complaint or claim, you can request an internal review from our Customer Relations Team.
You can request this from the investigating officer or by phoning our Contact Centre on 13 13 65.
2. Independent review from our Customer Advocate
If you remain unsatisfied with the review from our Customer Relations Team, you may request a review of the decision to finalise the investigation.
Our Customer Advocate can review your matter if you believe that Ausgrid:
- was biased or not impartial when investigating your complaint;
- has made an error, overlooked key facts, or relied on incorrect information;
- has not adhered with its case handling policies during the investigation.
You can request this escalation from the Customer Relations Officer.
3: Independent external investigation from the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON)
Customers have the right to contact the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) at any time for free independent advice and information, or for an independent investigation of the outcome of your claim or complaint to Ausgrid.
The contact details for EWON are listed below:
Freecall: 1800 246 545
Freefax: 1800 812 291
Online: www.ewon.com.au
Email: complaints@ewon.com.au
Mail: Reply Paid 86550, Sydney South, NSW 1234.