Your Safety

Report an emergency


In an emergency

If you are in a life threatening situation call triple zero

 In the event of an electric shock do not attempt to touch or rescue a person until the power has been cut off and the situation has been made safe by a suitably qualified person. People who are in contact with an electrical source are themselves conductors of electricity until the power is turned off. 

To report electrical emergencies and faults (24hrs)

13 13 88

Stay at least 8 metres or 2 car lengths away from fallen poles and wires

Ausgrid is a NSW electricity distributor and our network covers Sydney, the Central Coast and the Hunter Valley.

Report fallen powerlines

If you see fallen powerlines, for your own safety, you need to stay at least 8 metres or 2 car lengths away and report them to us. Call the Ausgrid on 13 13 88 (24hrs) to report fallen or arcing powerlines, dangerous leaning or fallen poles, exposed underground cables, damaged kiosks or pillars.