After this evening's storm 115K customers are without power. Ausgrid emergency crews are working overnight to make repairs. For the latest update click here. Report electrical emergencies on 13 13 88 or online.

Phone Scam Alert

Ausgrid is aware of an active scam targeting NSW energy customers. Ausgrid does not sell electricity directly to customers and will never ask you to pay for electricity or for your credit card information. If you receive an unsolicited call from someone claiming to be from Ausgrid asking for credit card or bank account information, you can verify their legitimacy by calling Ausgrid on 13 13 65. If you think you have provided your credit card or bank information to a malicious third party, please call your financial institution as soon as possible. If you think you have received a scam call or suspicious email from Ausgrid, you can report it to the National Anti-Scam Centre at and by calling us at 13 13 65.

Online services

Power outages

Check and report a power outage

Repairs and requests

Report poles, wires, streetlights, trees, or graffiti

Make a claim

Make a claim or request an Insurance Report

Enquiries and complaints

We welcome feedback and the chance to improve

Call or write to us

In an emergency

13 13 88
(24 hours)
Call us to report faults, hazards, or any electrical emergency.
If you see a life threatening situation
please call 000

General enquiries

13 13 65
(9.00am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday)

By post

GPO Box 4009, Sydney, NSW 2001

Ausgrid ABN
78 508 211 731

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our list of frequently asked questions. If you can't find the answer on the list, please send us an email.