After this evening's storm 115K customers are without power. Ausgrid emergency crews are working overnight to make repairs. For the latest update click here. Report electrical emergencies on 13 13 88 or online.
Electricity Network Safety Management System (ENSMS)

Ausgrid’s electricity infrastructure plays a vital role in our daily lives, so ensuring its safety is of the utmost importance. This responsibility lies at the core of what Ausgrid does. Ausgrid's Electrical Network Safety Management System (ENSMS) helps us to provide a safe network for our customers, community, our people and contractors.

Ausgrid's annual Electricity Network Safety Management System performance report outlines the activities that Ausgrid is doing to improve safety across the network including the management of bushfire risk. It includes information about major incidents on the network, safety risks from the loss of electricity supply required to be reported, and how Ausgrid communicates safety messages to the public.

Electricity networks come with potential safety risks that must be managed carefully. Ausgrid is committed to conducting its business in a manner that minimises the risk its assets, operations and activities pose to the health and safety of employees, contractors, visitors and the community. Managing safety risk is achieved through an integration of the Asset Management System (AMS), Health and Safety Management System (HSMS), Environment Management System (EMS), Electricity Network Safety Management System (ENSMS), processes and work practices, as well as public engagement and awareness programs. 

How to provide feedback on the ENSMS Report

If you would like to provide feedback, please complete an online enquiry via our Contact Us form.

Report electrical faults and emergencies

If you see a life threatening situation please call 000. To report power outages, faults or electrical emergencies including fallen wires and dangerous poles, please call 13 13 88.

If you see fallen powerlines never approach them and treat them as live - stay at least 8 metres or 2 car lengths away.