Before you connect
If your premises are within the Ausgrid network area we are obliged by law to offer you connection services if you apply. We will also consider applications from customers outside but nearby our network area (see 'Getting connected').
Building or modifying a connection
When you apply for a new connection or to modify your existing connection, you must enter into a connection contract with us that defines the technical requirements of the work, and fees and charges beyond the costs of your electrical professionals. For most customers, the terms and conditions of this contract will be one of our ‘model standing offers’. A model standing offer includes Australian Energy Regulator (AER) approved terms and conditions.
If one of our model standing offers does not suit your connection needs or they are complex, you will need to negotiate a contract with us. For example, no model standing offer covers a non-micro embedded generator. However, anyone is entitled to negotiate a contract with us.
If you wish to negotiate a contract with us, you must follow our connection negotiation process.
In some instances your connection contract may require works to be undertaken by Ausgrid as standard control services. Where these works are substantial (nominally over $1 million or more) and the augmentation is initially only for your benefit we may require you to provide a security fee to ensure our costs are adequately recovered from you through a Deed of Guarantee of Minimum Revenue.