Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.

Tree trimming and powerlines

Vegetation Management Program Update


Vegetation management  - trees and branches

We understand the importance of trees in our communities and the value our customers place on trees in their local street. To help improve our services we regularly talk to customers and councils to help develop a shared understanding about how to manage trees growing under powerlines, and improve the way tree trimming is performed. 

Councils to complete identified vegetation management tasks

Ausgrid is pleased to announce the commencement of a 12-month contestable vegetation management trial that will:  

  • allow Councils to complete identified vegetation management tasks in their Council areas; and 
  • assess the effectiveness and safety of the new framework over the 12-month period. 
  • This trial is expected to bring significant efficiencies and potential cost savings to councils and residents. 

Ausgrid has been working with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) and Councils to introduce a 12-month trial under the NSW ASP Scheme Rules framework for contestable vegetation management works across all Local Government Areas (LGA) in Ausgrid’s network area.  

What is being trialed?

The trial will allow Councils to directly engage accredited and authorised Contestable Vegetation Management ASP/1X companies to complete contestable vegetation works near Ausgrid’s Low Voltage (LV) overhead network, in accordance with Standard Vegetation Control (SVC) requirements in Ausgrid’s Electrical Safety Rules (ESR).  

The WorkCover - Work Near Overhead Power Lines – Code of Practice 2006 (Code of Practice) mandates that tree and vegetation work within the No Go Zone (NGZ) must only be performed by an authorised person with written approval of the Network Operator.  

Training and authorisation requirements

Undertaking SVC works near Ausgrid’s live LV overhead mains are only permitted following the completion of the following requirements: 

  • the company undertaking the work must be accredited with the Department and authorised with Ausgrid as a Level 1X Accredited Service Provider company; 
  • each of the company’s employees who will be conducting SVC near Ausgrid’s LV overhead mains must be individually registered with the Department and authorised with Ausgrid as a Class 1X Non-Electrical Accredited Service Provider
  • vegetation workers must have a Certificate II in ESI – Powerline Vegetation Control qualification, including elective units relevant to the type of vegetation control work being conducted, and hold current mandatory safety training to work near Ausgrid’s network as per Ausgrid’s ESR, ASP Training Matrix and ES4 Accredited Service Provider Authorisation Network Standard; 
  • have a written risk assessment, safe systems of work and an authorised safety observer;  
  • if determined by the written risk assessment, consult with the network operator and work in compliance with any conditions imposed by the network operator; and 
  • work within the parameters specified below. 

Parameters for undertaking contestable vegetation management works: 

  • restricted to LV overhead mains only (both bare conductor and Low Voltage Aerial Bundled Conductor); 
  • no work near the high voltage overhead network;
  • work in accordance with SVC as defined by Ausgrid’s ESR at all times;
  • work that cannot be completed in accordance with these criteria will either require an outage or be referred back to Ausgrid to complete;
  • network safety incidents must be reported to Ausgrid’s Network Compliance & Authorisations function immediately followed by a written report within two business days of the incident; and
  • any deviation to this letter must be approved by Manager – Network Compliance & Authorisations. 

Councils must only engage companies who have been accredited by the Department and authorised by Ausgrid to undertake SVC near Ausgrid’s LV overhead mains. Once companies are authorised to undertake SVC work near Ausgrid’s network, their detals will be listed on our website. 

The above requirements and parameters may be updated based on lessons learnt and in consultation with Councils during this trial. Ausgrid will work with each participating Council to compile a quarterly report that will be compiled into a network wide report provided to the Department.

If you have questions or concerns about tree trimming, please contact us.

Contestable Vegetation Management - Authorised ASP/1 Companies

AUC REF NO: 5644
 (02) 9979 0490
AUC REF NO: 5647
 0455 112 788
AUC REF NO: 5634
☎ (02) 9625 6665
AUC REF NO: 5564
 (07) 3457 4300
AUC REF NO: 4866
(02) 9620 2060