The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Register is a database that contains technical information of all small generating or battery systems installed on the electricity distribution network. The information allows AEMO to plan, forecast and manage the grid across the National Electricity Market (NEM) more efficiently.
Note: It is mandatory to register all inverter and/or battery systems with the DER Register.
When an Ausgrid connection application form is submitted, this creates an initial record in the DER Register.
Accredited installers who are connecting, altering or decommissioning an embedded generation system will be required to submit details of the equipment to the AEMO DER Register via the AEMO Installer Portal.
Note: Initial record creation from the application form is an automated process which cannot be amended so it is important to ensure the application form contains the correct number of AC connection devices in the embedded generation summary table. Application forms that are incompatible with AEMO's DER Register will require resubmission at the customer’s expense.
The DER Register requires technical details about the embedded generation equipment being installed, altered or removed. We recommend that this detail is entered by the installer for data quality. Once your Ausgrid application for a new or altered embedded generation is approved, Ausgrid will send an email containing a unique DER Register Job Number to the connection applicant’s email address provided on the connection application form.
The DER register information needs to be submitted via the AEMO DER Register within 20 days of commissioning or decommissioning generation equipment. First time users will be required to register with AEMO.
More information can be found on the AEMO website AEMO Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Register.
If you have further questions, please call our connection operations team on (02) 4399 8099 or email