Make a request to move a power pole, or modify or remove Ausgrid’s network assets, underground existing overhead cables or replace them with insulated cables.
Sometimes you may want to move or modify some Ausgrid infrastructure. If this is part of installing or changing your connection to the network then follow the process outlined in Get Connected.
In some situations, you may want to make changes that are not directly related to a connection. For example, you may want to change Ausgrid infrastructure or to build near or over our infrastructure (including landscaping or civil works that may change the height of overhead wires or the depth of underground cables). You need our permission to make such changes. If you go ahead and build without consulting us and do not meet our network or safety requirements, you’ll have to fix any problems at your expense and may incur a penalty.
We recommend you consider carefully the need to relocate Ausgrid assets. It can be an expensive decision. The work can involve:
For large-scale asset relocations we may ask you to fund, in advance, our feasibility studies.
For more information, see our Relocation Policy.
You need to get written permission from all parties affected by your proposed changes. This includes any network customers whose connection will be affected by your changes and any third parties who have assets connected to the affected infrastructure.
For example, you must get permission from any telecommunication provider whose assets might be attached to the affected Ausgrid infrastructure. You will be responsible for the cost of moving such assets.
Complete a Network Asset Relocation Request Form. (NARR)
It is important that you provide complete and accurate details so we can consider your request. We strongly recommend that the Accredited Service Provider (ASP) who will be designing the changes complete the form on your behalf.
If we agree to your request, we’ll decide if the work can be done in full or in part by an ASP. Some work can only be done by Ausgrid for safety or network security reasons (the rates we charge you for this work are regulated).
We’ll send you a Contract for Design Related Services. You engage an ASP/3 to design the network changes and then submit the designs to us to be certified.
Where Ausgrid may need to perform the proposed works, we will be in contact the discuss the proposed arrangements.
For more information, refer to the 'Contestable Connection Process'.
Once we’ve certified the design we’ll send you a Contract for Contestable Asset Relocations which describes exactly what we have approved. You have 45 business days to accept the offer.
It’s important to check the technical details in our offer. We’ll try to satisfy your request but if there are network impacts we may not be able to offer you exactly the details you wanted.
Once you have returned the signed contract you engage and pay appropriate ASPs to do the work, see 'Contestable Connection Process'.
The work may involve:
When the ASP lets us know they’ve completed the work, we’ll inspect it, and, if all is okay, electrify the works.
An ASP may need to return distribution system assets to Ausgrid during the construction phase.
Apply for a Connection |
Getting connected or modifying your connection |
Getting the work done |
Decommissioning and returning Ausgrid assets |