Delivering for the future
Ausgrid Electric Vehicle at charging site

Ausgrid strives to be a sustainable business. We work safely and responsibly to deliver on our vision for communities to have the power in a resilient, affordable, net zero future.

We are committed to continually improving our environmental, social and governance(ESG) performance. Ausgrid's ESG guiding principles are set out in our Sustainability Policy, and human rights are top of mind.

FY23 Sustainability Report

Our annual Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability report describes how we address the ESG issues that matter most to our stakeholders and business. A GRI Content Index Table identifies the location of our disclosures.

FY23 Highlights

Thriving Communities GraphicValued People GraphicOptimised Assets and Operations GraphicsDelivering Net Zero Graphic
3 Ausgrid has high concentrations of overtime activities in roles which are directly operating and maintaining our network (field roles). 40% of our total workforce hold these field roles and 97% of field roles are held by men. All field roles have the same access to overtime. When overtime is factored into the gender pay gap calculation the pay gap is in favour of men by 8.6%. When overtime is not factored into the calculation, the gender pay gap is in favour of women by 2.4%.
4 Data point includes PLUS ES as part of Ausgrid Group.

Our Annual ESG Reporting Suite


Example ESG Portfolio