The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has implemented and enforces a national Ring-fencing Guideline (Guideline) to promote competition in the electricity services market. The Guideline prevents Ausgrid, and all other Distribution Network Service Providers, from offering contestable electricity services that can be performed by any qualified electrical contractor.
Ausgrid is committed to ensuring it fully complies with the Guideline. This means Ausgrid is prohibited from providing some electrical services such as upgrades and repairs within a customer’s property. However, some exceptions apply such as restoring power to life support customers or for minor repair/restoration services.
Customers will need to will make their own arrangements for services that are not offered by Ausgrid by engaging a suitably qualified electrical contractor.
The ring-fencing Guideline requires DNSPs to submit an annual report to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) outlining compliance efforts to meet ring-fencing obligations each regulatory year. Download the 2022/23 Ausgrid Ring-fencing Compliance Report.
You can read our Information Sharing Protocol here. Ausgrid is committed to fair dealing and to encouraging competition in contestable markets in compliance with the Ring-fencing Guideline.
Ausgrid is able to restore power to registered life support customers reliant on life support equipment. Ausgrid values customer care and safety, and this has led to the implementation of a vulnerable customer protocol which is triggered when a customer, who meets the strict vulnerability criteria has lost supply, and it has been assessed they will suffer further hardship and/or health and safety risks if supply isn’t restored immediately. Under such circumstances Ausgrid will carry out the necessary restoration work at no cost to the customer.
If you need an Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Level 1/2/3 to perform electrical services you can find a full list of ASPs at the NSW Energy website.
To make an enquiry about ring-fencing please email us at