Network Innovation Advisory Committee (NIAC)
The purpose of the Network Innovation Advisory Committee (NIAC) is to place the customer at the centre of investment decisions as we transform our network.

Latest presentations

To support active consumer engagement, we have established of a Network Innovation Advisory Committee (NIAC) to enable customer input on investment decisions as we transform our network.

The NIAC puts in place formal arrangements to give customers a role in driving our innovation investment program and provides a forum for Ausgrid to collaborate with consumers in deciding the future direction of the network.

This will ensure that our network becomes one that supports efficient investment and greater choice and control, things that customers expect from a network of the future.

Guiding principles for innovation

All innovation projects must be in the long-term interests of consumers with respect to price, quality, safety, reliability and security of supply. In relation to innovation, this means that all projects must be safe and create value for customers.

The NIAC will consider projects in accordance with the following principles:

  • Maintains safety for employees & the community
  • Improves economic utility of new and existing assets
  • Lowers costs for customers
  • Solves a specific problem
  • Uniqueness of problem and collaborative opportunities
  • Accelerates decarbonisation
  • Improves fairness
  • Improves resilience

Presentation archive

NIAC Update November 2021

NIAC Update September 2021

NIAC Update June 2021

NIAC Update March 2021

NIAC Update Dec 2020

NIAC Update May 2020

NIAC Update December 2019

NIAC Update July 2019