After this evening's storm 120K customers are without power. Ausgrid emergency crews are working overnight to make repairs. For the latest update click here. Report electrical emergencies on 13 13 88 or online.

Power2U Program

Solar and Lighting Incentive Project

The Power2U - Solar and LED Lighting Incentive project is about encouraging customers to adopt renewable energy and efficiency measures such as new solar power systems and LED lighting upgrades. The two year program operated between January 2019 and December 2020 in selected suburbs in the Sydney area as part of Ausgrid’s efforts to develop innovative demand management solutions that allow Ausgrid to manage the network more flexibly and improve reliability for customers in our network. This project received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program and from the Council of the City of Sydney. The program is now closed.

Knowledge Sharing Project Report
In June 2021 a detailed report of the project’s outcomes, insights and recommendations learned from the trial was developed as part of Ausgrid’s partnership with ARENA and City of Sydney. The report is available from the Power2U project page on ARENA’s website and Ausgrid's demand management and innovation research and trials page. 


Related article: ARENA boosts Ausgrid’s Power2U project to reduce energy use and emissions

 Partner: City of Sydney logo

This Project received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Australian Government, and the Australian Government does not accept responsibility for any information or advice contained herein.